Egg Eating

Egg eating – a really difficult habit to break , it may have started innocently with a broken egg , but once a habit is formed it is really hard to stop.
Try the following either singularly or together it may just end the habit …but be quick what may be one chicken can quickly develop into a flock habit.
Firstly never ever discard a broken egg in the pen as the taste is what then crave ….
hang up several objects for hens to peck at cabbage /cauliflower/ pecka treat/pecka balls
( please hang up food as it can cause mold and bacteria when left to waste on the floor of your pen)
Collect your eggs as soon as they are laid if possible .
Location and environment of nest box is of vital importance …. nest boxes should be lower that the perches , they should be dark so then can not see that well in there
… a roll away nest box is the ultimate solution we find…. Purpose made and can fit internally in your hen house made of strong galvanized metal with plastic egg shute and ventilated side panel . Front curtain decreases the light this can encourage the hen to lay .. the egg automatically rolls out into the collection area ready for collection intact !! These nest boxes can be bought singularly and can be joined together to make a row of nest boxes.
We have supplied many of these and feed back has been very positive.

Other options to be considered is replacing any eggs with rubber eggs , filling eggs with vile tasting food stuff or if you know ho the culprit is and nothing will stop them as a temporary measure you can fit ‘specs’ to the bird this means they can not see straight in front of them and discourages them from over pecking , they can still eat and act naturally . These can be left on for up to six weeks and hopefully when removed they would have forgotten their old habits !!

If you need further advice or any clarification or wish to buy a nest box from us or have some specs fitted please call or email us