Yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a South American member of the Asteraceae family, and is a relative of sunflowers, Dahlias and Jerusalem artichokes which is grown for its large edible storage roots. The roots have a sweet, crisp and refreshing taste often described as a mixture of things like apple, pear, and celery. They sweeten even more when left in sunlight for a week.
When you lift your Yacón plant, you will notice the large storage tubers, but also a crown of knobbly rhizomes at the base of the stem. Remove all the large storage tubers and leave the crown of rhizomes with a few smaller tubers attached. These can be stored in dry sand in a frost free place over winter. In the spring you can carefully cut up the crown to create your own rhizome sections for propagating new plants.
Supplied as a pack of three 2-3 cm rhizome sections. You only need to buy Yacón once, as you will be able to propagate all your future plants yourself.
When your rhizome sections arrive, pot them up immediately in pots of compost, making sure the rhizome is covered and keep moist. They will need to be kept undercover and frost free in a greenhouse or polytunnel, where they will begin to sprout and form roots.
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