Polish bantams


They are very inquisitive and will often follow you around the garden and offer companionship, once befriended they will be more than happy sat on your lap! The giant pom-poms on their heads can make their vision a little impaired if you don’t trim them, sometimes this can lead them to be jumpy if they suddenly catch sight of you from their peripheral vision, trimming the front of their crest feathers can be recommended.

We have a mix of colours, you can preorder now and choose your individual hens when you visit on the date selected

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Polish hens are one of the friendliest chicken breeds we have known. They are fantastic pets especially for children as they like being handled, they enjoy human company and are perfect for back garden and smaller set ups. They have stunning crested pom-poms and elegant legs, they can fly up to a perch, but are not a wondering breed.



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